Improved Athletics and Protected Teeth
Your ability to draw in a full breath increases your power and strength whether you're simply training or playing an active sport such as basketball or football. A properly fitted sportsguard aligns your jaw and improves your air capacity. The one-size-fits-all guards found in stores tend to be a sloppy fit and can even interfere with proper breathing during an active performance. We offer custom-fitted mouthguards and sportsguards. Not only will these custom guards properly align your mouth and improve your breathing capacity, they'll reduce the risk you'll accidently damage or a knock out a tooth. Within the United States, an estimated 5 million teeth are knocked out or injured every year. Don't let this happen to you! Ask us about custom-fitted mouthguards.Grand Traverse Smile Center
Ryan Paulson, DDS
928 S. Garfield Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49686
(231) 935-4872
You know your projects stand out of the herd. There is something special about them. It seems to me all of them are really brilliant! Mouth Guard